
有限会社 太郎平

2023.04.01 18:44

有限会社 太郎平(本社:東京都千代田区麹町、創業者:中川太郎平、代表取締役:中川恵)は先月のプレオープンを経て、2023年4月1日、東京は日本橋本町に位置する太郎平ビルの1階、2階、地下フロアを展示会場とした現代アートの企画画廊 太郎平画廊を正式に開廊いたします。




太郎平画廊 正式開廊記念「太郎平と仲間達」展

会期:2023年4月1日(土)〜 4月8日(土)

時間:水・木・金・土 12時 〜 19時まで


Adrian Scicluna(エイドリアン・シクルナ)

1971年 イギリス生まれ
ロンドン芸術大学ウィンブルドン・カレッジ・オブ・アーツ ファインアートコース修士
国立マルタ大学教育学 優等学位取得

UAEとマルタを拠点とし、デジタル時代の物質性、社会構造と人間の行動の関係性、日常における超現実的な瞬間を表現した絵画のほか、ビデオ作品やインスタレーションなど世界を舞台に多元的なアート作品を制作・発表しています。今回の「キテラの家」は、現在 アメリカの著者と進めているデジタルノベルに関連した絵画作品。アリス・キテラとは、中世アイルランドで最初に魔女の嫌疑をかけられた女性です。

Daniel Machado(ダニエル・マチャド)

1973年 ウルグアイ  モンテビデオ生まれ
ウルグアイ IEC大学にて建築、コンピューターグラフィックス専攻
ウルグアイ共和国大にて建築とコンピュータグラフィックス専攻 ほか



Dionisis Christofilogiannis(ディオニシス・クリストフィロギアニス)

1973年 ギリシャ  アテナ出身・在住
シェフィールド・ハラム大学(イギリス)工学部機械工学科 学士
ストラスクライド大学(スコットランド)工学部デザイン工学科 修士
クルージュ・ナポカ芸術大学(ルーマニア)ファインアート 博士



Helidon Gjergli(ヘリドン・ジェルジ)

1970年 アルバニア シュコドラ生まれ、ティアナ育ち。
芸術アカデミー(現ティラナ芸術大学/アルバニア) 美術学士

2007年 52回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレに選出。


Radu Solovastru(ラドゥ・ソロヴァストル)

1957年 ルーマニア クルジュ・ナポカ出身・在住
クルジュ・ナポカ芸術デザイン大学 美術博士



Raphael Vella(ラファエル・ヴェッラ)

ロンドン芸術大学(イギリス)美術 博士
マルタ大学(マルタ共和国)美術教育 修士
マルタ大学(マルタ共和国)芸術ならびに美術史 学士



Roland Hagenberg(ローランド・ハーゲンバーグ)

1955年 オーストリア・ウィーン生まれ

1980年代、マンハッタンのダウンタウンで活動中、アンディ・ウォーホル、ロバート・メイプルソープ、キース・ヘリング、ジャン・ミシェル・バスキアらと交流し、彼らの作品制作風景などを写真に収めました。2010年、オーストリアの作曲家フランツ・リストの生誕地ライディングに藤森照信や原広司などの日本人建築家によるマイクロ・デザインハウスを建設する「ライディングプロジェクト」をスタートし、オーストリア政府環境局革新賞を受賞。本年には、著書“Beside Poems”を出版するほか、演劇“Jetlag”がバーゼルで上演予定です。




画廊所在地 東京都中央区日本橋本町一丁目7−12 日本橋太郎平ビル
画廊電話  03-6262-6905
開廊日時  水・木・金・土曜日 12時から19時まで



芸術の普及と更新を目的とし1993年に建造された太郎平ビル。石を積み上げた建物内には銅板にフランドル語にて”VOORTDURENDE VERNINUWING VAN DE TADITES, DE KULTUUR EN DE GEEST VAN HET VERLEDEN”「古来よりの伝統と文化の精神は永遠に新たに生まれ変わる」と太郎平画廊の観念が彫られています。


Grand opening of Tarohei Gallery in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, on Saturday 1 April after a pre-opening last month

The inaugural exhibition 'Tarohei and Friends' featured works by international artists from Greece, Malta and elsewhere.

Tarohei Ltd (Head office: Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Founder: Tarohei Nakagawa; Representative Director: Megumi Nakagawa) is pleased to announce the Tarohei Gallery, a contemporary art gallery, will hold its grand opening on the 1st, 2nd and basement floors of the Tarohei Building in Nihonbashi-Honcho, Tokyo on 1st April 2023 after a pre-opening last month.

The founder, Tarohei Nakagawa, has been active as an international artist.

In Japan, he has been running an art school for more than 30 years and has devoted himself to promoting and developing the arts. In recent years, he founded the art organisation “Nanakusa-kai” and held an exhibition at the National Art Centre, in Tokyo.

The inaugural exhibition, 'Tarohei Nakagawa and Friends', will showcase works by overseas artists with whom Nakagawa has had close contact.


'Tarohei and Friends' exhibition to celebrate the grand opening of the Tarohei Gallery.

Dates: 1 Apr (Sat) – 8 Apr (Sat), 2023.
Open:  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 12.00 - 19.00.

Adrian Scicluna


1971 Born in England.
MA in Fine Art Course, Wimbledon College of Arts, University of the Arts London.
The National University of Malta Honours Degree in Education.

Based in the UAE and Malta, he produces and presents multidisciplinary artworks on the world stage, including video works and installations, as well as paintings that express the materiality of the digital age, the relationship between social structures and human behaviour, and surreal moments in everyday life. The  'House of Kyteler' is a painting work related to a digital novel he is currently working on with an American author. Alice Kyteler was the first woman to be accused of witchcraft in medieval Ireland.


Daniel Machado


1973 Born in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Major in Architecture and Computer Graphics at IEC University, Uruguay.
Major in Architecture and Computer Graphics at the University of the Republic of Uruguay, and others.
Lives and works in Tokyo. Freelance photographer and researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies, Rikkyo University.

With roots in Latin America and having lived in Uruguay, Argentina, Spain and Japan, his work reflects aspects of society and life from a complex perspective. His work is characterised by a nostalgic, surrealistic and magic realism style. In addition to publishing the photo book 'A Man Confined', he also develops photographs that express the dynamism of the tango.


Dionisis Christofilogiannis


1973 Born and lives in Athena, Greece
Bachelor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
MSc of Design Engineering, Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
Doctor of Fine Art, Cluj-Napoca University of Arts, Romania.

He teaches visual arts at the American College, Greece and has established and runs an Athens-based art space and magazine for artists, as well as organising exchange exhibitions abroad. His work is characterised by abstract and lyrical expression using single, dignified architectural and geometric elements.


Helidon Gjergli


1970 Born in Shkodra, Albania, raised in Tirana.
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Academy of Fine Arts (now Tirana University of Arts), Albania.
Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, Italy.
Master of Fine Arts in 'Art Theory and Practice’, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Northwestern University, USA.

Currently based in New York and Tirana, he works internationally as an artist and exhibition organiser, and lectures at many universities, including Harvard University.
Selected for the 52nd Venice Biennale, 2007.
His work encompasses painting, media installations and architecture. Consistently, his work questions the gaps and vulnerabilities that lie in the ambiguous boundaries between media, self and others.


Radu Solovastru

1957 Born and lives in Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Doctor of Fine Arts, University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca
Graphic Studies, Iaon Andrescu University
Professor at the University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca

For the last ten years, he has been working on a series called 'Glycemic' using marzipan as 'gastro design', 'cake design', etc.


Raphael Vella

Born and lives in Malta
Doctor of Fine Arts, University of the Arts London, UK.
MA of Art Education, University of Malta.
BA of Art and Art History, University of Malta.

In addition to working internationally as an artist, he teaches art methodology, theory and practice at the University of Malta, curated the Malta Pavilion at the 2017 Venice Biennale, and writes on contemporary art. His work ranges from installations, drawings, sculptures and mixed media, and in all cases focuses on philosophical issues related to religion, fundamentalism, textuality and the sublime.


Roland Hagenberg


1955 Born in Vienna, Austria.
Multimedia artist and art producer based in Tokyo and Kyoto, working as a photographer, artist, journalist and writer, and contributor to major magazines such as Vogue.

In the 1980s, while working in downtown Manhattan, he interacted with Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplethorpe, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat and others and took photographs of their work, etc.

In 2010, the Riding Project was initiated to build micro-design houses in Riding, the birthplace of Austrian composer Franz Liszt, by Japanese architects such as Terunobu Fujimori and Hiroshi Hara, and was awarded the Innovation Award by the Austrian Government Environmental Office. This year his book ‘Beside Poems’, will be published and his play ‘Jetlag’ will be staged in Basel, Switzerland.


Tarohei Gallery


Location   Nihonbashi Tarohei Building, 1-7-12 Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.
TEL      81-(0)3-6262-6905
Open   Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat 12:00-19:00


Tarohei Gallery building

The Tarohei Building was built in 1993 to promote and renew the arts. Inside the piled stone building, a copper plaque is engraved in Flemish with the concept of the Tarohei Gallery:
"Ancient traditions, culture and spirit, eternally renewed. “

The Honcho of Nihonbashi, where the Tarohei Building is located, was formerly known as Nihonbashi Ward and in the Edo period as Edo Honcho. Access is 5 minutes from Mitsukoshimae Station on the Ginza Line and 10 minutes from Ningyocho Station on the Hibiya Line. The 'Honcho' area has been lined with drug wholesalers since the Edo period and is now a pharmaceutical centre, with long-established stores, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, COREDO Muromachi and the Mitsukoshi Department store.



