航空燃料市場規模【2021-2026年】 | 航空燃料市場規模 は 5.22% の CAGR を示し、4,500 億米ドルに達すると予測されています。フォーチュン ビジネス インサイト

2023.06.30 22:01


 The global aviation fuel market   size reached nearly USD 300 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach over USD 450 billion by the end of 2026, at a CAGR of 5.22%. during the forecast period. By the International Energy Association (IEA). This indicates that the demand for aviation fuel is likely to increase, driving the global aviation fuel market.

Using high-quality aviation fuel will increase the efficiency of your plane. Moreover, air travel is expected to grow rapidly due to the increasing popularity of air flights from tourism, socio-economic and other sectors. This will further increase the aviation fuel market share in the coming years.


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Report coverage detail Forecast period 2019-2026 CAGR over the forecast period 2019-2026 5.22% Value projections for 2026 $450 billion base year 2018 Market size in 2018 $300 billion past data 2015-2017 number of pages 130 Target segment fuels, end users, geography driving force of growth Prominent oil and gas companies are gaining momentum in the aviation fuel market.” 各国が防衛予算の増額を計画する中、市場が恩恵を受ける



世界中の大手企業が世界市場を独占しています。シェルと BP は、世界中に燃料を供給している航空燃料業界の大手企業です。これらとは別に、トータル、シェブロン、エクソンモービル、ガスプロム、バーラト・ペトロリアム・コーポレーション・リミテッド、ヒンドゥスタン・ペトロリアム・コーポレーション・リミテッドが世界市場をリードしています。また、World Fuel Services、Vitol Group、Mercury Air Group、China Aviation Oil Supply Co. などの石油商社は、商業、民間、軍事部門による航空燃料の需要の増加を満たす上で重要な役割を果たしています。






Jet fuel, also known as aviation turbine fuel (ATF), is a petroleum-based fuel that powers turbo-propelled and jet-engine aircraft. Rising demand for air freight transportation is expected to drive the growth of this sector. This will drive the growth of the aviation fuel market. Jet fuel is a high-value light petroleum product processed from crude oil. These fuels are used not only in jet aircraft, but also in jet turbine applications. There are different grades of jet fuel called Jet A1 and Jet A. The former is used for commercial purposes in international aviation, the latter specifically for US domestic aviation.

British Airways and Shell plan to build green jet fuel refinery in UK

From a geographical perspective, North America is expected to hold a dominant position in the global aviation fuel market throughout the forecast year. The market is growing rapidly due to strong economic growth in the United States. Increasing investment in information and communication technology (ICT) and increasing number of manufacturing bases in the region contribute to the market growth. Due to these factors, the aviation fuel market share in North America is expected to increase during the forecast period.



The European market is expected to grow significantly during the forecast year. As a result, British Airways and Shell plan to build a sustainable and environmentally friendly jet fuel plant. This plant is made from household waste. The two companies also have a £2.8m stake in a renewable waste company called Velocys. The purpose of the plant is to produce 20 million gallons of carbon-free, sustainable jet fuel.




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  • 合計
  • エクソンモービル
  • シェブロン
  • ブリティッシュ・ペトロリアム(BP)
  • シェル
  • ガスプロム
  • ビトール
  • ワールド・フューエル・サービス
  • マーキュリー航空グループ
  • 中国航空石油





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